As of mid-day on November 6, 2024, the Townsend RTC celebrates the success of Donald J. Trump in his bid to regain the office of President of the United States. This victory is vital to the future of our nation.
And yet... The results of the 2024 general election for state-level offices portend that, for the time being, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will continue along its trajectory of decline. Therefore, Republicans in this state must stay involved and keep working to foster the principles and policies which ultimately will make life better for everyone in our communities.
Have general questions about the Republican Party? Many answers may be found on our FAQ page.
Or maybe you heard some strange word or abbreviation being used in a discussion of politics and are wondering what it means. Try looking for it in our list of Terms and Abbreviations of Practical Politics page.
The Townsend Republican Town Committee typically meets during the third week of each month, usually in Townsend’s Memorial Hall (the town hall).
If you would like to ask a question, send email to <info@townsendgop.org>.
For information on the Massachusetts Republican Committee (the state organization), see MassGOP.com.
For the Republican National Committee, see GOP.com.
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