Candidates in the 2022 General Election in Townsend
Dean Tran

House of Representatives,
U.S. Congress, 3rd District

With prices of everything spiraling upward, Dean Tran knows that ordinary people are being stretched to the breaking point, and that the American economy needs realist­ic decisions on energy and infra­structure.

As an immigrant himself, he knows that insecure borders cause legal and social disruption, and expose innocent children to danger during illegal crossings.

Geoff Diehl


Geoff Diehl will work to make living in Massachusetts more affordable and to help job-creators develop new jobs within the state.

As Governor, he will sup­port first res­ponders and will un­leash law en­force­ment to fight the illegal drug trade. He will nom­in­ate judges who have relevant experi­ence and who have a con­sist­ent set of rules for guilt and innocence.

Leah Cole Allen

Lieutenant Governor

Serving as a health-care professional, Leah Cole Allen learned what it’s like to lose a job because of heavy-handed govern­ment regulations.

As Lieuten­ant Governor, she will promote a Parent’s Bill of Rights. Parents should have access to records, have a choice of schools, be able to review the curriculum, and be responsible for their own children’s health.

Rayla Campbell

Secretary of the Commonwealth

The foundation of government “of the people, by the people, for the people” is a system of transparent and fair elections. As Secretary of State, Rayla Camp­bell will make sure that Mass­achu­setts voters enjoy such a system.

She will run an accessible office, maintaining public records for the benefit of all.

Jay McMahon

Attorney General

With his background in military and civil law enforcement and in legal litigation, Jay McMahon believes that the Attorney Gen­er­al should enforce the laws of the Common­wealth, rather than enforce a social agenda.

His concern to address the opioid epidemic is personal, having lost his son Joel to an addiction-related death in 2008.

Anthony Amore

State Auditor

On his first day as State Auditor, Anthony Amore will launch an audit of the Office of the State Auditor, to find out why the number of completed audits has actually gone down every year for 12 years.

He will repair a broken audit process and shed light on out-of-sight gov­ern­ment dealings.

Gary Galonek

Governor’s Council, 7th District

As a “Back the Blue” Governor’s Councilor, Gary Galonek will find out which judicial nominees are moti­vated to keep dangerous criminals off the streets. He will consider pardons and commutations in light of the concerns of the victims of crime.

Ken Hoyt

State Senator in General Court,
Worcester and Middlesex District

With 40 percent of the state government’s budget being drained by MassHealth/­Medicaid, Ken Hoyt will propose guardrails on such spending, and will work for accountability of the MBTA and health insurance.

He supports school choice, while opposing vaccine & mask mandates.

Andrew Shepherd

Representative in General Court,
1st Middlesex State House District

Andrew Shepherd pledges to make govern­ment work for the taxpayers, with a fair share of resources going to each town.

In the State House of Represent­atives, he will advocate a rational and transparent budget process for the state’s spending.