Terms and Abbreviations Heard in Practical Politics

(compiled by Townsend RTC, updated December 9, 2024 )

If you’re just getting started in practical politics in Massachusetts, you may hear people using certain words and abbreviations with which you’re not familiar. Here are some practical terms you may see or hear.


Absentee and Early Voting


Walking door-to-door, visiting voters in their houses, putting campaign “lit” directly into their hands, if possible. (This activity is sometimes called “door-knocking” or “block-walking”.)


“Committee To Elect Candidate’s Name”: a typical name of the legal entity that manages the money for a political campaign.


Dialing for Dollars (an activity of making telephone calls to possible campaign contributors).


A piece of campaign literature made with a hook cutout, ready to be hung on a doorknob.


See “Canvassing”.


Federal Elections Commission.


Get Out The Vote
(a set of activities intended to induce voters to succeed in casting ballots for a particular set of candidates).


“Literature” — that is, any campaign material printed on paper for distribution to voters.

Lit Drop

An activity of delivering campaign literature to voters’ houses without personal interaction.


Letter to the Editor (of a newspaper, urging its readers to support some candidate or cause).


Meet and Greet (an informal event at which voters can meet a candidate, often held in a private home with neighbors invited).


Massachusetts General Laws (often seen with periods, as “M.G.L.”).

In Massachusetts, political-party committees are regulated by legal provisions in chapter ”
M.G.L. c.52”.


A generic term which can refer to a Town, Ward, or City party committee.


Non-Affiliated Voter (see “UNR”)


Neighborhood Captain (or “Neighborhood Coordinator”).


Office of Campaign and Political Finance (part of Massachusetts state government, regulates elections).


Political Action Committee.

PACs are intended to be independent from campaign organizations and are forbidden from coordinating efforts with a campaign. With respect to elections, PACs typically raise funds and run advertisments intended to influence opinion.

Because PACs operate under rules in section 527 of the Internal Revenue Service regulations, they are sometimes called “527 groups”.

Palm Card

A small piece of “lit” designed to be handed to an voter, same thing as “push card”.


An activity in which a group of people (either paid staff or volunteers) are organized to make voice telephone calls to potential voters, typically following a pre-planned script and possibly assisted by some computer software or smartphone app.

The intended purpose of a phone-banking effort may be to identify voter sympathies, to promote a particular candidate, to ask for donations, or to just remind potential voters to become actual voters.

(Sometimes a campaign is tempted to use an alternative technique that substitutes impersonal machine-generated voices for the flesh-and-blood humans, accepting the possibility that voters could become more irritated than persuaded by such robo-calling.)

Push Card

A small piece of “lit” designed to be handed to a voter, same thing as “palm card”.


Republican City Committee (which is constituted of members of the multiple ward committees).


A practice of using computer-generated (“robot”) voices to automatically place telephone calls to potential voters, typically to urge support for some candidate or cause.

The likelihood of annoying voters limits the usefulness of this practice. See also “Phone Banking” above.


Republican Town Committee (organizes Republicans in a town).


Republican Ward Committee (organizes Republicans in a single ward of a city).

Slate Card

A voter handout containing a list of all the party’s candidates who appear on the election ballot. (Ideally, the list is particularized for one town or ward.)


In Massachusetts politics, a standout is not some paradigm of pre­eminence, but rather is an activity in which volunteers “stand out” in a publicly visible location and hold up signs and placards for passers-by to see, in support of their cause or candidate.


Abbreviation for “Unenrolled”, the technically precise term for a voter who is not registered in any party.

(Often such voters call themselves “independents”, but a conversation can become confused when the talk concerns not only true party-un-affiliated voters but also voters who are affiliated with Evan Falchuk’s “United Independent Party” or any of several other organized “Independent” parties. Another related term is NAV, “Non-Affiliated Voter”.)


Ward or Town Committee.

Other Terms and Abbreviations Used in Public Discourse


Asian-American and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islander (a racial classification)


American Descendents of Slavery: a term popularized by YouTube video-bloggers Antonio Moore (a Los Angeles lawyer) and Yvette Carnell (a former Congressional political staffer). In 2021, Moore and Carnell engaged in a legal action versus the Harvard-Kennedy School of Government, which led to the retraction of a research publication by HKSG.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (progressive Democrat who represents New York’s 14th congressional district in the U.S. House)


Since 2021, this abbreviation has most often referred to the American Rescue Plan Act, a government financial response to the COVID-19 epidemic.
(In prior years, “ARPA” typically referred to the DoD’s Advanced Research Projects Administration.)


Named after the artificial grass developed for the first completely indoor sports stadium, the Houston Astrodome, political Astroturf  is an idea or movement which presents the appearance of having been started by a local group of “concerned citizens”, but which in reality is sponsored and controlled by some hidden organization or person — whose real agenda is also hidden.

(How can you tell if some political initiative is Astroturf, when its leaders don’t want you to know? Here’s something to watch for: whenever the group conducts a rally or public protest, check the signs being carried by the protesters. Do the signs look like displays at an elementary-school science fair? Are they unevenly lettered, wildly varied in design, and held together with duct tape? If so, it’s probably a real grass-roots movement. Or, are all the protesters holding signs that are evenly symmetric, on which the machine-generated typography is accented by sleek graphics and coordinated colors? Good chance it’s Astroturf.)


Automatic Voter Registration


By Any Means Necessary (often used to describe how far-Left activists strive to defeat conservatives).


Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. (Often referred to as the “McCain-Feingold Act”, this federal law was promoted as a campaign-finance reform. As enacted, the law prohibited national political-party committees (e.g., the RNC) from raising or spending any money which was not limited by federal regulation — even for use in state or local elections. The BCRA originally also put severe limits on issue-advocacy advertising, but this provision was overturned as a violation of free-speech rights by the U.S. Supreme Court in its Citizens United v. FEC decision of 2010.


Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (measures urged by adversaries of Israel)

Beacon Hill

The state capitol of Massachusetts (the “State House”) is located in Boston on a high point of ground called Beacon Hill. In this building are offices for the Governor of the Commonwealth and for some other members of the executive branch, plus the chambers where the two houses of the state legislature meet. We may casually refer to the whole state government by saying “on Beacon Hill”, but sometimes by this we mean just the legislature.


Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (a racial classification)


Business Reply Envelope (may be sent in physical mailings, especially for fundraising)


Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (founding nations of an intergovernmental association which was later expanded to include Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates)


A “carpet bag” is a soft-sided suitcase or satchel made out of carpet. In American history, after the Civil War, some opportunistic politicians from the northern states relocated (while carrying luggage of that type) to the defeated southern states with the intention of gaining political power under the conditions of Reconstruction.

In modern usage a “carpetbagger” is any person who relocates to a different state for the chief purpose of running for political office in the new jurisdiction. The most successful carpetbagger in modern times is
Hillary Clinton, who transferred her official domicile from Arkansas to New York and from there was elected to the U.S. Senate.


Citizens for Limited Taxation (Massachusetts taxpayers organization active from 1974 until December 2022; the late Barbara Anderson was CLT’s best-known activist.)


Historically, during certain eras, a “coat tail” was literally a fabric part of a cold-weather garment, which hung down behind the wearer. In principle, a person needing help to keep walking could reach forward and grab hold of another person’s “coattails”.

In politics, the effect of “riding the coattails” refers to a down-ballot candidate receiving more votes than expected, because of the popularity of a candidate of the same party running for a higher-level office.


In Massachusetts, very few public things are still organized according to county. The official political-party organizations exist at the town, ward, city, and state levels. (Thus county party committees, which are important in most other states, have no official standing in Massachusetts. However, a few county-level auxiliaries remain, such as the Norfolk County Republican Committee and the Middlesex Republican Club.)


Conservative Political Action Conference.


Critical Race Theory (an academic discipline that describes most public activity in terms of racial prejudice; the term is often extended to denote the political community of activism based on the academic theory)


Click-Through Rate (a measurement of the effect of a multiple-recipient email message, which imprecisely indicates how many recipients actually read the content of the message, rather than just deleting it unread)


Deny, Attack, Reverse roles of Victim and Offender.
(a rhetorical trick used by certain activists)


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion.
(sometimes seen as “DEIA”, for “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility”)


A word brought into the English language from Russian, a direct transliteration of the word “Dezinformatsiya”, part of the tradecraft of the KGB spies of the old USSR.

The word came into frequent use during the “Russian Collusion” accusation frenzy mounted against President Trump (until the
Mueller Report shattered it). Ironically, the Russian Collusion charges themselves are now known to have been entirely constructed from Disinformation (the “Steele Dossier”) generated by agents hired by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Here’s how the KGB defined “Dezinformatsiya”, in its own 1984 lexicon:

“Misleading by means of false information; A form of intelligence work in the Active Measures field, which consists of the secret channeling towards an adversary of false information, especially prepared materials and fabricated documents designed to mislead him and prompt him to take decisions and measures which fit with the plans and intentions of the Intelligence Service.”
(That is, the plans and intentions of the KGB.)

More generally, Leftist partisans frequently attempt to discredit and censor any report they dislike by labeling the report as Disinformation.


Description of a candidate running for a lower-level, or lesser-known office, which on a paper election ballot appears below the highly publicized higher offices.


Term derived from "docs", as in "documents". The practice of discovering private, possibly sensitive, personal information about an adversary and then (without permission) revealing it to the world via Internet social media. The person being doxxed may then suffer various consequences, ranging from mere embarrassment up to financial and even physical harm. (See also “OSINT” below.)


Electronic Benefits Transfer.
An “EBT card” is a plastic payment token used by the
Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) to convey funding to clients, through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, which replaced the “food stamps” program) or through certain other social-welfare programs.

Sad to say, during August 2024 transaction records were discovered showing that many EBT recipients were spending their tax-funded benefits in posh vacation destinations, such as Hawaii, Alaska, and the Virgin Islands.


An activity or task conducted by one interest group or government, yet made to appear as though it were sponsored by another interest group or government. The name was derived from a tactic of naval warfare during the 18th and 19th centuries. A warship intending to launch an an attack on another vessel would first maneuver for position while flying a deceptive flag that made it appear to be a “friend” of the target vessel, but then — just prior to opening fire — the attacking ship would hoist a new flag displaying its real national allegiance.

A false-flag operation is intentionally deceptive. Perpetrators seldom admit to having used such a disreputable tactic. The targets may never find out what hit them!

However, false-flag operations sometimes can be recognized in political conflict. In 2017, a documented, literal instance was launched at the Conserva­tive Polit­ical Action Conference. Two agents of Americans Take Action, an organization working to promote the impeach­ment of then-President Donald Trump, sneaked into the convention hall, carrying 1,000 red-white-and-blue flags which were imprinted with the name “TRUMP”, and distributed them to Trump-supporting conference attendees, who waved them enthus­iastically. The trick was that the free flags were the flags of the Russian Federation — and the operation was intended to link Trump with the then-alleged, since-disproved “Russian Collusion”.

An April 2024 episode in Ireland also showed signs of being a kind of false-flag operation.

(A related political term: “Dirty Tricks”.)


Frequently Asked Question (or a list of such questions)


The Foreign Agents Registration Act is a law in the United States (22 U.S.C. § 611-621) enacted in 1938 to require individuals doing political or advocacy work on behalf of foreign entities in the United States to register with the Department of Justice and to disclose their relationship, activities, receipts, and disbursements in support of their activities.


First In The Nation: slogan adopted by New Hampshire, acclaiming its Presidential Primary Election, and also used by Iowa, acclaiming its Presidential Caucuses.


First Lady of the United States.


The Freedom of Information Act (pronounced like "foy ah") is a law in the United States (5 U.S.C. § 552) which requires the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased or uncirculated information and documents controlled by the U.S. government, state, or other public authority upon request. (Although certain categories of information are exempted from disclosure.)


For Official Use Only (a government directive for handling sensitive information)


In public life, a gadfly is a person who is always asking questions and pointing out problems, but who seldom contributes ideas or effort for solving the problems.


Here’s a frequent point of confusion. The official name of the state legislature is the General Court of Massachusetts. That’s right, in the government of Massachusetts, the representative body that makes the laws is called a “court” — even though we normally think of a court as a body that interprets existing law.

The odd name is an inheritance from a 17th-Century practice in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, when the colonial assembly did, in fact, sometimes serve as a kind of judicial court of appeals. In 1780, when John Adams was drafting a new state constitution for Massachusetts, he only slightly modified a name which had been already in use for over 150 years under several different systems of colonial government.

In the 21st Century, in day-to-day use, most people just say "state legislature" to describe the law-making part of the state government, which consists of the State House of Representatives and the State Senate. However, when you go to vote in a Massachusetts state election, look carefully at your ballot and you’ll see that you are voting for candidates for the offices of “Representative in General Court” and “Senator in General Court”.

(On the other hand, the highest Massachusetts governmental body that does interpret the law is called the “Supreme Judicial Court” or “SJC” for short.)


Greatest Of All Time


In public life, a Goo-Goo is a person who advocates loosely defined “Good Government” or “Good Governance”.

The term came into use in 1894, when “Good Government Clubs” were formed in New York City to oppose the Tammany Hall (Democrat) political machine.


Grand Old Party (historic nickname for the Republican Party of Lincoln, founded in 1854 in Ripon, Wisconsin).

Grass Roots

What “Astroturf” pretends to be: an effort or group which grows organically and is based on the lives and views of ordinary people, as grass grows naturally in soil, rather than being an artificial construct installed by outside agents.


Intellectual Dark Web: a loosely associated group of independent-minded academics and journalists who reject the orthodox Leftism of Critical Race Theory, enforced Diversity and Equity, Queer/Transgenderism, and Climate Alarmism.


Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee (See also “PAC” below.)


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (United Nations organization for publishing climate reports)


Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary


During the 1978 Jonestown Massacre in Guyana, cult leader Jim Jones persuaded his followers to have their children imbibe a grape-flavored instant drink laced with cyanide and Valium, thereby killing them. More recently, persons who commit themselves to ideas which are initially titillating yet ultimately destructive are said to have “drunk the Kool-Aid”.


Live-Action Role Playing, a recreational activity. In politics, a person whose run for office seems not to be seriously intended may be described as “LARPing as a candidate”.


The Lobbying Disclosure Act is a law in the United States (2 U.S.C. § 1601) enacted in 1995; the law requires lobbying firms and organizations to register and file reports of the lobbying activities and of certain contributions and expenses with the Secretary of the U.S. Senate and with the Clerk of the House of Representatives.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer-or-Questioning.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirit, with the plus '+' symbol encompassing all sexual orientations and gender identities.


Low-Information Voter (“Low-Info” Voter).
A person who may describe himself or herself as “not really political” and who learns about public issues by passively consuming news and opinion only via the most easily accessed media.


Low-Propensity Voter (“Low-P” Voter).
Individuals who are eligible to vote but who usually don’t.


League of Women Voters.
Formed during early 1900’s, the League’s original emphasis was to promote the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allowed women to vote. Over the following century, though describing itself as “non-partisan”, the League’s projects have often aligned with progressive causes, and much of its advocacy since 2020 has opposed measures for assuring integrity of elections.


Massachusetts Republican State Committee, the governing body of the party in the state. The committee normally has 80 members, with one state committeeman and one state committeewoman elected from each of the 40 state-senate districts. (Informally, the state committee and its staff may be referred to as the “MassGOP”.)


Metropolitan Statistical Area.


Mainstream Media.
(Not to be confused with the “MS” in “MSNBC”, which stands for “Microsoft”, though NBC/Universal/Comcast had sole control of the cable channel from 2012 to 2024, when a decision was made to divest it.)


Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican who represents Georgia’s 14th congressional district in the U.S. House)
(In non-political contexts, “MTG” may refer to the popular board game “Magic: the Gathering”.)


Partisan advocates who are working as reporters in newsmedia may write articles or social-media postings which advance a preferred cause or policy stance, but which contain assertions that are not based on verified facts. The reporter-advocate may then enlist other reporter-advocates working in other news organizations to amplify the assertions — again without regard to verifiable facts. Such activities are said to “advance the narrative.”


Non-Fungible Token: a unique digital identifier recorded in a cryptographic blockchain, possibly (but not necessarily) linked to something of value. Although NFTs are not the same thing as cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin), NFTs have become a factor in campaign finance.


Non-Governmental Organization: a non-profit entity formed outside of a government, possibly an ordinary club or association, but also possibly one of several types of politically active organizations, which could be special-interest advocates, lobbyists, or information-disseminating organizations.


A party chooses its single “nominee” from among multiple “candidates”, by means of a caucus, convention, or primary election. The party’s nominee goes on to contend in the general election against the nominees of other parties.


Non-Playable Character (or “Non-Player Character”): in the context of video games, a NPC appears as an actor within the game but is not controlled by any of the human game players. The NPC is controlled by the game system itself (either randomly or algorithmically) or by a non-player referee. In the context of public life, “NPC” usually refers to a person deemed to be uninteresting and without influence.


National Republican Congressional Committee (focuses on electing the U.S. House of Representatives).


National Republican Senatorial Committee (focuses on electing the U.S. Senate). See also “RNC”.


On Background. A custom governing communication between a candidate or office-holder and a media reporter in which the reporter agrees not to directly publish the contents of the communication, but agrees to use the information disclosed as context for understanding information gleaned from other sources. (Be careful. Negotiating OB status must be the first order of business when you begin the communication, and the reporter must agree to it explicitly. Also, media reporters vary in how strictly they honor such agreements.)


Open-Source Intelligence. Information about a person in public life gathered using sources which are freely available on the Internet.


Off The Record. Especially with respect to media reporters, refers to a conversation prior to which the reporter has agreed to not reveal the source of the information disclosed. The reporter must explicitly agree to a communication being OTR before any sensitive information is transferred. The information itself may be published, in a form that obscures its source.


A model for understanding how, over time, ideas in society change and influence politics. (The concept was proposed by the late Joseph P. Overton of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Michigan.)

The Overton Window is defined as containing all the public-policy ideas which an active politician can potentially endorse, while still gaining or maintaining sufficient public support to get elected or re-elected. If a policy idea is so unpopular that it would doom any candidate who promotes it, that idea is “outside the Overton Window”.

Non-office-seeking participants in public-policy debates may, over time, be able to “move the window” and make a previously unacceptable policy idea become acceptable. However, the normal case is that the policy options available to a politician have been shaped by an entire society’s ideas, movements, and shared norms and values.


Online Voter Registration


Personal Consumption Expenditures: used by economists to measure so-called “core inflation”.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a multidisciplinary scientific journal often cited during public debates about climate and environment.


People of Color (a racial classification).


President of the United States.

Push Polling

A negative campaigning technique which seeks to influence voter opinion while claiming to merely be measuring it.

By telephone, a caller poses as a pollster conducting an objective opinion survey, but actually poses mostly loaded questions which are cleverly worded to imply negative information (which may, or may not, be true) about some candidate, party, or cause which the organization conducting the push poll opposes.


Social-media slang term for a broad response to a posting (such as a "Tweet" on X/Twitter) that gets many more replies (especially negative ones) from other users than it gets "likes" or "retweets".


Ranked-Choice Voting. A complex method of voting which its advocates claim will arrive at more-widely-satisfactory outcomes. (Whether those outcomes satisfy anybody other than RCV advocates is still an open question.)


Ronald de Santis (as of 2024, governor of Florida)


Robert F. Kennedy, Junior.


Republican In Name Only (a term popularized in 1992 by John DiStaso), a candidate who shows little or no interest in certain issues deemed important by many Republican activists.


Republican National Committee (focuses on electing the President of the United States, with the NRCC and NRSC is one of the three national party committees).


Supreme Court of the United States.


Same-Day Registration (that is, registering to vote on Election Day)


Search-Engine Optimization (for a political web page, a desirable but tricky-to-achieve characteristic)


Supreme Judicial Court. Within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the highest appellate court.


Students for Justice in Palestine. An activist organization with numerous chapters on U.S. college campuses, some of which have promoted engagement with Hamas terrorists.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: a social-welfare benefits program for low-income households, which replaced the older program known as “food stamps”.


Secretary of the Commonwealth, who has responsibility for overseeing elections in Massachusetts. (Most of the other states have an officer in the state government called the “Secretary of State”, but Massachusetts is a “Commonwealth”.)


A word meaning "lawgiver", often a member of a legislature.

The original Solon was a civic leader and poet in the ancient Greek city-state of Athens, circa 638 B.C., who helped establish the Athenian democracy.


Spokesperson: one who serves as a communications intermediary for a public figure or organization.


In politics, a stalking horse is a candidate who runs for a position which he has no chance of winning, while secretly intending to divide the electorate or to distract attention, thus lending indirect help to some other candidate in the same race.


“There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” (acronym for an economic principle described by science-fiction author Robert Heinlein in his 1966 novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress)


“Too Long; Didn’t Read”


(the meaning most frequently encountered while reading Internet web pages )
Urchin Traffic Monitor, parameters inserted into a web URL that permit Google Analytics to easily track a user’s web-browsing activity.


The condition of a person who holds the worldview of “Critical Constructivism”, which denies that objective reality exists. Woke thinking inspires the numerous claims that various immutable parts of reality are “a social construct.” As seen through the lens of this post-modern Neo-Marxist ideology (developed by the educational theorist Paulo Freire and codified by Joe Kincheloe), all human relationships are determined by systemic power and are founded on some type of oppression. Thus, the ideology compels its adherents to sort all people into one of two categories: the Oppressors and the Oppressed.

Confusion can arise when conservatives attempt to speak using an older idiom with similar words, as in saying, “Voters should wake up to the consequences of high taxes.” In the 21st Century, this may be misunderstood.


Beyond the list above, some other political terms are explained on the TRTC’s "Frequently Asked Questions" page.